Facility Condition Assessment (FCA)


Created under the authority of Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 341.128. The State Public Works Division's (SPWD) Facility Condition Assessment (FCA) program periodically inspects all state-owned buildings excluding those owned by the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE). In addition, the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) and Legislature assess their own buildings. SPWD FCA personnel conduct interviews with site staff, review documents, and perform walk-throughs to determine the physical condition of the building's components and systems. This assessment results in a report that details the overall site condition, as well as infrastructure findings related to the building(s) located on the site. Any serious concerns are reported to the Legislative Commission.


The report provides a framework to assist the agency and SPWD in optimizing and maintaining the physical condition of state buildings; develop capital budgets, prioritize resources and augment the state's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) planning phase. Agencies may find it helpful in calculating funding required to meet future budgetary needs or to substantiate facility replacement. The report includes a summary of the Facility Condition Index (FCI) and a list of recommended projects. Interested agencies can obtain this information in spreadsheet form by emailing or calling the Agency Contact listed below.


NRS 331.110.4 requires SPWD to provide an annual inventory of all real property owned by the State. If your agency has acquired or sold real property, please submit a Building Request online.


  1. State Public Works Division
  2. Facility Condition Assessment
  3. Ken Forbes, Construction Project Coordinator III
  4. kforbes@admin.nv.gov
  5. (775) 684-4108