Buildings and Grounds Maintenance

Responsibilities Defined in the State Administrative Manual, Section 1016.0

"The division does, electrical, carpentry, painting, and plumbing chores and maintenance. Division employees are assigned to the repair duties of which they are capable. Some work, particularly extensive remodeling, may be contracted. Buildings and Grounds is authorized to charge a labor rate for all extra services requested by agencies, such as remodeling, moving, shelf building, carpet laying, etc."

Link to State Administrative Manual

Authority Derived from NRS 331.085

"The Administrator may charge the various state departments, agencies and institutions for the cost of labor and materials for extra services provided to their respective offices by the Buildings and Grounds Section. Extra services for which these charges may be made include, but are not limited to, office remodeling, furniture construction and moving. Money received by the Administrator for this purpose must be deposited in the Buildings and Grounds Operating Fund in the State Treasury." 

Link to NRS 331.085

Service Requests

The purpose of service requests is to provide a means for State offices to request extra services from Buildings & Grounds. Extra services are determined as being those services which Buildings & Grounds can render at a much lower cost than a private contractor. Quite often they involve remodeling an office space or an addition of some kind. The reason for the term "craft services" is that they usually don’t have any relationship to regular maintenance, in that, with regular maintenance an item which was included in the original construction of the building is being kept at it’s original condition and level of performance and with craft services, a new item or system is being added. So, that excludes the landlord from any responsibility in paying for its' installation unless it is deemed as necessary by the landlord in the health and safety of the occupants of the building.

Service requests are issued from State offices requesting various kinds of extra services including, carpentry, painting, electrical installation, etc... They are given to the State agencies by Buildings & Grounds and consist of a small one page form that asks for all of the information pertinent to billing, description of the work to be done, and a contact person at the work site. If your agency uses purchase orders, an estimate can be given free of charge prior to work.

Moving Services

Due to staffing shortages and workload, Buildings and Grounds (B&G) has suspended staff assisted moving services until further notice.

Carson City B&G can offer agencies the use of various hand trucks and may be able to assist with the facilitation of moving services in select Northern Nevada areas utilizing contracts executed by B&G, or agencies may use State Purchasing's newly executed Statewide Contracts for moving services.  The use of B&G contracts for moving services will require an approved work order and agency budget approval to be processed as a charge back.


Please contact B&G prior to facilitating all office moves in leased or state-owned buildings to ensure changes to occupied space have been properly documented.

Buildings and Grounds Contacts

Carson City:
Tel: (775) 684-1800
Fax: (775) 684-1821

Las Vegas:
Tel: (702) 486-4300
Fax: (702) 486-4308