The professional services section of the Public Works Division is comprised of registered architects, registered engineers and other experienced professional staff. Our section specializes in developing the design and construction documents for projects needed by other State Agencies and funded through the State Capital Improvement Program. We also perform plan checking services and manage projects from the inception of the project design all the way through assisting the agency with moving-in and procuring furniture and equipment.
We are available to assist State Agencies in assessing building systems of existing properties and also provide planning and programming services for future development. Our Facility Condition Analysis team assesses the condition of existing buildings and provides input for State Agencies use in submitting budget requests.
State Agencies that have their own source of funding for planning, design and/or construction projects can come to the Professional Services section of Public Works to get complete design, construction and project management assistance with their project (see SAM 1900 for complete guidelines).
Our Statewide Roofing people provide roof support to Agencies in State owned buildings and we provide a no-dollar limit, 20 year warrantee on new and replacement roof systems that we design and construct.