Capital Improvement Planning

CIP Biennial Schedule

Per NRS 341.083, the Board submits the CIP to the Governor on October 1 of each even-numbered year. The board conducts hearings with the using agencies in August and creates the submittal from the Administrator’s recommendation during September.

This whole process starts with the SPWD activating a web site in February of that year and the Using Agency project applications are due in early April. The SPWD staff conducts due diligence developing a scope of work and project cost estimate prior to the August agency hearings as discussed above.

The CIP application for Using Agencies will appear under “popular links” in February of even numbered years.

Facility Condition Assessment

Per NRS 341.128  the Facility Condition Assessment Section periodically inspects state buildings and physical plant facilities of state institutions and provides reports with the conclusions.

AE Selection Services

Per NAC 341.136, professional consultants are selected for CIP projects. Immediately following each legislative session this process will take place. The Request for Qualifications for consultant selection will appear under “popular links” in June of odd numbered years.

A/E Selection

CMAR Selection Services

The construction manager selection process is also authorized by NAC 341.136. When projects are deemed to have the complexities warranting this procurement method, the SPWD will advertise for these services. Upon completion of the AE selection process, projects that have been approved for CMAR services will be advertised. The Request for Qualifications for Construction Manager At Risk (CMAR) selection will appear under “popular links.”

CMAR Selection

Qualified Service Company List

Per NRS 333A.080, the Qualified Service Company list will be maintained. The current list will go through an update process for additional firms to be added in the fall of 2015. The Request for Qualifications for Qualified Service Companies will appear under “popular links.”

Professional Services Contacts

Tel: (775) 684-4141
Fax: (775) 684-4142